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Mother Shakti

Contributor Profile - Mother Shakti

Mother Shakti

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Contributor id: 34

Username: ShaktiMa

member since: 03 Sep 2020

1 farm

Organization: Private

Activities: Homesteader

in: Yonderwent,

Province: Western Cape


Average: 5
Rating Count: 1
You Rated: Not rated




I'm a homesteader with a few really cool products, mostly waiting for the kandu craft site to rise... excellent work!

Pledge and Promise

Chemical Enhancement: I Do Not Use Chemical Enhancements Or Preservatives In My Products

Genetic Modification: I Do Not Grow Nor Propagate Any Genetically Modified Seeds Or Plants

Animal Rights: I Am Committed To The Respectful Treatment Of All Animals

Chemical Augmentation: I Do Not Use Any Chemical Fertilizers, Herbicides Or Pesticides On My Crops


powered by  Kandu

Livestock husbandry

Seed contributions

contributor quantity seed typeof province harvested action chemicals
ShaktiMa2 KgsCarrotsCarrotWestern_Cape2021-01-14eitherNone


the kandu·community is a showcase of small farms and organic producers, working with nature, without chemicals, to produce wholesome food, encourage local variety and diversity, replenish topsoil and reward those who tend the earth.

Support local, small scale farmers.


Head Office:
Westville, Durban
Director: paula@kandu.co.za
Developer: shawn@kandu.co.za
Tech Support: tech@kandu.co.za
