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Regenerative Agriculture World News
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Regenerative Systems

Published on June 21, 2020, midnight, by

What is the path of least resistance to the seminal restoration between man and nature?

Is it the wholesale dissolution of the petrochemical and agrichemical industry?

What are we required to look at if we were to restore our seminal relationship with nature?

It is so beautiful that nature has the template to a new humanity that is waiting to emerge from mother nature.

The template is fascinatingly founded in soil. Soil is arguably the most intelligent technology that has been created by life.

In a single milligram of soil there are more organisms than the number of cells in the human body.
Billion and billions of micro-organisms that are working together to create the matrix of life in that pixel of soil.

Understanding this forms the basis of the revolution that is happening called regenerative agriculture or regenerative health.

The purpose of this site is to help each other...as both producers and consumers ... to move from a philosophy and mentality that ‘science’ can improve on natural systems... either in farming or pharma ...

Only when we turn our attention to the soils (or natural biological processes), can we enter into a co-creative process with mother nature to create the abundance and health born out of the regenerative effects of working WITH nature. Only then, will we begin to see the social, environmental and spiritual ramifications of reconnecting with nature and ourselves.


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the kandu·community is a showcase of small farms and organic producers, working with nature, without chemicals, to produce wholesome food, encourage local variety and diversity, replenish topsoil and reward those who tend the earth.

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